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Undo -- Reverts the active window to the previous state before the last action.

Redo -- Applies the last action that was undone from the current file in the editor pane.

Cut -- Cuts the selected portion from the current file in the editor pane to the clipboard so you can paste it back with a ctrl-V or similar command.

Copy -- Copies the selected portion from the current file in the editor pane to the clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere with a ctrl-V or similar command.

Paste -- Pastes the current portion of text/graphics that is in the clipboard's memory to the selected part of the current file in the editor pane.

Copy append -- Copies the selected portion from the current file in the editor pane to the clipboard appending the Copied item to itself for pasting. For example, if you selected the word 'double' and did a Copy Append, the original word 'double' would be copied and by pasting on another line you would get 'doubledouble'.

Cut append -- Cuts the selected portion from the current file in the editor pane to the clipboard appending the Cut item to itself for pasting. For example, if you selected the word 'double' and did a Cut Append, the original word 'double' would be copied and by pasting on another line you would get 'doubledouble'.

Select All -- Selects all lines in the currently opened file in the Code Editor window.

Find ... -- Opens the above dialog where you can search the currently opened file in the Code Editor window for various options and directions based on a search string entered into the Search For ... box by clicking on Find.

Find Next ... -- Pushing F3 (the hotkey for Find Next) Workbench searches on your supplied search term and displays the first highlighted match to your search term. To find the next item that matches your search term you can either click on the Find button in the above dialog box, or close the dialog box and hit F3.

Find Previous... -- Pushing F3 (the hotkey for Find Next) Workbench searches on your supplied search term and displays the first highlighted match to your search term. To find the previous item that matches your search term you would utilize the Ctrl-F3 hotkey. A tip here would be to enter the search term into the dialog. Close the dialog and then use the F3 / Ctrl-F3 dialog to go through your entire file searching rapidly for the search term.

Find in files... -- Pushing ctrl+shift+F (the hotkey for Find in files) Workbench searches on your supplied search term in all the files opened in the editor pane and displays the Find in files dialog box to display the result. It also highlights the match in the corresponding files.

Replace ... -- Clicking Replace... from the menu opens the above dialog which allows for the searching and replacing of a search term when found in the current document in the Code Editor window. As above you can search forwards or backwards by selecting whichever radio button under the Direction area of the window.

Replace in files... -- Clicking Replace in files... from the menu opens the above dialog which allows for the searching and replacing of a search term when found in several documents cuurently open in the editor. It allows you to specify the files, on which the search is to be performed, mask files(.html,.php, etc.), the project name, where the search is to be performed on the specified files. It also allows you to select one of the following options:

Search Where section allows to select one of the following options:

Go to line... -- This option brings up a small dialog which asks for a line number, when supplied and OK is clicked, the cursor is taken to that line in the current open document.

Select Current Element... -- Highlights the current element of a class the cursor is contained in currently.

Select Current Element Parent... -- Will select the class that a particular function or variable is a member of.

Invoke Autocompletion -- Auto-completion is a function where a token is custom defined by the user that will be expanded when the hot-key (shift-space by default) is pressed. This feature is not dependant on the script that is currently being edited, it is not dependant on the namespace the cursor currently resides in, it is fully global in any file being edited. Please see more explanation of Auto-completion under the Editor section of this manual.

Invoke Codecompletion -- Code-completion is one of the tools that is common to most development tools. Using a few keystrokes to start the name of the function call, a hot-key can be pressed (ctrl-space by default) that will bring up a listbox positioned underneath the cursor which shows the current matches to the list of known functions. Please see more explanation of Code-completion under the Editor section of this manual.

Bookmarks - Numbered -- The above menu shows the options available with this feature. To insert a bookmark either just have your cursor on the line you want bookmarked or have a region of text selected. Click the Toggle bookmark 1 button and you will see a bookmark appear in the margin on that line. It should look like the following blue numbers in the left margin of this screenshot.

You can then move your cursor to that bookmark from anywhere in the file by either clicking the Goto bookmark 1 option in the above menu or by using the hotkey (in our case Ctrl-1).

Bookmarks - Flagged -- The above menu shows the options available with this feature. To insert a bookmark either just have your cursor on the line you want bookmarked or have a region of text selected. Click the Toggle bookmark flag button and you will see a bookmark appear in the margin on that line. It should look like the following blue shape in the left margin of this screenshot. You can then move your cursor to that bookmark from anywhere in the file by using the hotkey of F2 to go to the next bookmark in the current open file.

Comment out current line -- Inserts the "//" comment token to the beginning of the current line.

Comment out current section -- Insert the begin and ending comment block tokens "/* */" around the current selected text.

Sort lines -- This applies a basic alphanumeric sort to all the lines of the file. Case is compared along with leading characters.




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